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Latest Miriam News

Miriam's latest plan.

City Plan Commission Approves Miriam Plan

The City Plan Commission approved Miriam Hospital's master plan, which includes a multi-phase building plan. A lawyer representing SNA presented the case against the project, and was joined by dozens of neighbors passionately urging the Commission to at least delay the project until a more thorough planning process, one that takes into account all the stakeholders and not just hospital, can take place. In the end, the commission imposed some modest quality-of-life requirements on the hospital, and told them to come back in one year (rather than five) for another review. But the project, in its entirety, was give the green light.
[June 16, 2004]

SNA Releases Neighborhood Survey Results

SNA released the results of a month-long survey designed to gauge neighborhood concern and opinion on Miriam Hospital's proposed expansion. The survey itself was included as an insert in the most recent neighborhood newsletter (pdf file).

The results show that most neighbors are not satisfied with the hospital's plans and are very concerned with the negative impact of a bigger hospital on our neighborhood.
[May 24, 2004]

Miriam Submits Revised Master Plan

The City Plan Commission will consider a revised Institutional Master Plan submitted by Miriam Hospital. This latest plan embodies "Option E" as presented by Miriam to neighbors and to the city in several meetings earlier this year.

"Option E" is a larger expansion than the original plan, which neighbors have strongly opposed, and it would bring construction to two sites, rather than one. Miriam's continuing need for growth is a threat to our neighborhood, and must be confronted by city officials.

The City Plan Commission meeting will be held beginning at

4:30pm Wednesday, June 16th
Public Safety Complex
325 Washington Street
Come to this meeting and show your support for the neighborhood!
[May 14, 2004]
This Page Last Updated: Thu Jan 27 00:24:22 2005